Used Suction units & Filters for sale (75)

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Waste management & recycling equipment Suction units & Filters
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
High-performance fan Zenner VTZ 710/63/1 Sonder
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Germany Stuhr
1,132 km

High-performance fan
ZennerVTZ 710/63/1 Sonder

Certified Dealer
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
Dust extractor rotodyne Centrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3
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Netherlands Rijkevoort
975 km

Dust extractor
rotodyneCentrifugaal ventilator 55 KW IE3

Magnetic Epper 222210
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Germany Bitburg
1,087 km


Certified Dealer
Exhausting system KEMPER 8310000006
Exhausting system KEMPER 8310000006
Exhausting system KEMPER 8310000006
Exhausting system KEMPER 8310000006
Exhausting system KEMPER 8310000006
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Germany Ennepetal
1,084 km

Exhausting system

Certified Dealer
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
Suction attachment Keller Lufttechnik UNI-STAR X-SL
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Germany Iserlohn
1,099 km

Suction attachment
Keller LufttechnikUNI-STAR X-SL

Certified Dealer
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
Fine dust filter system NOVA VIT FC 3D 15
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Germany Rödermark
1,235 km

Fine dust filter system

Wet exhaust system  AW
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Germany Dietzenbach
1,231 km

Wet exhaust system

Dust extraction Walther NOVA 2000 Absaugung Entstaubung Walther NOVA 2000
Dust extraction Walther NOVA 2000 Absaugung Entstaubung Walther NOVA 2000
Dust extraction Walther NOVA 2000 Absaugung Entstaubung Walther NOVA 2000
Dust extraction Walther NOVA 2000 Absaugung Entstaubung Walther NOVA 2000
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Germany Nauen
1,413 km

Dust extraction Walther NOVA 2000
Absaugung Entstaubung WaltherNOVA 2000

Certified Dealer
Stacking box UTS Typ 3, 137 Sück
Stacking box UTS Typ 3, 137 Sück
Stacking box UTS Typ 3, 137 Sück
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Germany Lüdenscheid
1,105 km

Stacking box
UTSTyp 3, 137 Sück

Certified Dealer
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
NEDERMAN extraction system Nederman E-PAK 1000
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Poland Zdziechowice
1,823 km

NEDERMAN extraction system
NedermanE-PAK 1000

Certified Dealer
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Electropneumatic valve HPS 99B0346
Germany Dresden
1,515 km

Electropneumatic valve

Certified Dealer
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
Mobile exhaust system ESTA Filtower L100 eco
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Germany Röhrnbach
1,602 km

Mobile exhaust system
ESTAFiltower L100 eco

Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist Umwelt Technik
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Hungary Tatabánya
1,982 km

Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsio Mist
Umwelt Technik

Certified Dealer
Extraction dust removal Nedermann type 663 Absaugung Entstaubung Nedermann Typ 663
Extraction dust removal Nedermann type 663 Absaugung Entstaubung Nedermann Typ 663
Extraction dust removal Nedermann type 663 Absaugung Entstaubung Nedermann Typ 663
Extraction dust removal Nedermann type 663 Absaugung Entstaubung Nedermann Typ 663
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Germany Nauen
1,413 km

Extraction dust removal Nedermann type 663
Absaugung Entstaubung NedermannTyp 663

Certified Dealer
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
Welding fume extraction Nedermann DF 120
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Czech Republic Pastviny
1,740 km

Welding fume extraction
NedermannDF 120

Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
Water separator, dust extraction Venti Oelde RWA 400
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Poland Zdziechowice
1,823 km

Water separator, dust extraction
Venti OeldeRWA 400

Certified Dealer
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector DCE Donaldson
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Netherlands Wekerom
950 km

DCE Donaldson insert filter dust collector
DCE Donaldson

Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
Safety suction vacuum cleaner Nilfisk Nilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger
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Germany Burgoberbach
1,385 km

Safety suction vacuum cleaner
NilfiskNilfisk CTS40 M Z22 Staubsauger

Certified Dealer
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist sara UC3SD/S3
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Hungary Tatabánya
1,982 km

Oil Mist Extractor, Emulsion Mist

Certified Dealer
Dust extraction DCE UMA 152 G 3 Absaugung Entstaubung DCE UMA 152 G 3
Dust extraction DCE UMA 152 G 3 Absaugung Entstaubung DCE UMA 152 G 3
Dust extraction DCE UMA 152 G 3 Absaugung Entstaubung DCE UMA 152 G 3
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Germany Nauen
1,413 km

Dust extraction DCE UMA 152 G 3
Absaugung Entstaubung DCEUMA 152 G 3

Certified Dealer
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
Dust extraction line Cattinair
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Poland Albinów
2,020 km

Dust extraction line


Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Poeth point filter KMV 6/20R15 8,2m2 Poeth
Poeth point filter KMV 6/20R15 8,2m2 Poeth
Poeth point filter KMV 6/20R15 8,2m2 Poeth
Poeth point filter KMV 6/20R15 8,2m2 Poeth
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Netherlands Wekerom
950 km

Poeth point filter KMV 6/20R15 8,2m2

Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel WAM Holland
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Netherlands Wekerom
950 km

Exhaust, dedusting filter stainless steel
WAM Holland

Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters Emcebee
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Netherlands Wekerom
950 km

Emcebee Filter Cabinet Extraction Filters

Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
Filter box extraction system, extractor
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Netherlands Wekerom
950 km

Filter box extraction system, extractor


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