Used Granulating plants for sale (86)
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Waste management & recycling equipment Granulating plants

456 km
Heavy Duty Granulator
DGM Environmental TechnologiesDGH 600/800
Condition: new, New & Unused DGM Environmental Technologies model DGH 600/800 granulator.
Has approximately 800mm x 700mm opening with feed hopper that has side opening of 970mm x 770mm.
Unit has (5x2) knives fitted to rotor which measures approximately 600mm diameter x 800mm wide.
Includes (2) stator knives and (2) block knives for wedge.
Unit is driven by 75kw, 400volt, 50hz, 1480rpm motor.
Unit has 10mm bottom screen fitted.
Unit has hydraulic powerpack driven by 1.5kw, 400volt, 50hz, 1400rpm motor.
Includes double bag off system with 7.5kw blower, spare knives and (1) spare screen. Unit includes control panel.
Includes 12 months manufacturers parts and labour warranty.
Equipment Leasing Available on this Machine.
A simple and affordable way to purchase a granulator with no upfront costs. Leasing contracts available over a 2 β 5 year period. Maintenance inclusive options for true peace of mind. Various options available at the end of the leasing contract.
Perry Process Equipment buy and sell used process equipment and we have a range of new and used machinery in stock for waste recycling. We are appointed UK agents of DGH model heavy duty granulators, manufactured by DGM Environmental. We have a selection of models in stock, immediately available for sale. Contact us to request to receive a no-obligation quote.
Our brand new DGH series heavy duty granulators can be used as stand alone machines or integrated into a complete system. Utilizing core German design and technology, their scope of applications includes: plastics, timber, rubber, biomass and many other industries where size reduction and materials processing are critical.

940 km
Drais PML-V+H - Sand mill
Year of construction: 1992, Condition: used, General
SKU: 379T1136
Location: Barneveld
Make: Drais
Type: PML-V+H
No.: 54310
Year of construction: 1992
Working pressure: 3Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 1.2Ltr.
Motor: 3.3KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Ceramic,Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Capacity: 1,2Ltr.
Inlet: 9,5
Outlet: 9,5
With jacket: β
Motor: 3,3kW
Rotor speed: 2900rpm
With pump: StoberRD11G-1005-012-4
Motor: 0,12kW220/380(Ex)
With variable speed drive: β
With switch: β
With switchgear: β
Weight: 340kg
Floorspace: 1,2x0,9m
Total height: 0,7m
ATEX compatible: β
Extra Specifications: themachinecomeswithmanyadditionalparts
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Fryma MSZ-32 - Sand mill
Year of construction: 1991, Condition: used, General
SKU: R0242
Location: Barneveld
Make: FrymaMachinenbauGmbH
Type: MSZ-32
No.: M15127
Year of construction: 1991
Working pressure: 2.5Bar
Working pressure jacket: 2Bar
Main Features
Material: Mildsteel
Volume: 3Ltr.
Motor: 30KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Vertical sandmill: "Coball-Mill"
Capacity: grindingchamber3ltr.
Housing dimensions: dia.350mm,rotordia.330mm
Inlet: dia.32mm
Outlet: dia.25mm
With mechanical seal: β
With jacket: β
Rotor jacketed: β
Motor: 30kW380Volt
With pump: β
Material: Mildsteel
With switchgear: β
Total height: 1,9M
Weight: 900Kg
Floorspace: 1,5x1,1M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

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940 km
Fb Lehmann FM-20 "unused" - Sand mill
Fb LehmannFM-20 "unused"
Year of construction: 1995, Condition: used, General
SKU: 219S087
Location: Barneveld
Make: F.B.LehmannMaschinenfabrikGmbH(D)
Type: FM-20
No.: 010666
Year of construction: 1995
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 18.3Ltr.
Motor: 18.5KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: 18,3ltr
Housing dimensions: dia.265x450mm
Inlet: dia.30mm
Outlet: dia30mm
With mechanical seal: β
Motor: 18,5kW415Volt
With balls: β
With switchgear: β
Total height: 2M
Weight: 900Kg
CE: β
Floorspace: 1,7x0,8M
Extra Specifications: unusedincludingRotanpumptypeHD51ECHD1M22BS
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Quadro Canada Comil 194-S - Sieve granulator
Quadro CanadaComil 194-S
Year of construction: 1998, Condition: used, General
SKU: 242S148
Location: Barneveld
Make: QuadroEngineeringInc(CA)
Type: Comil194-S
No.: 194-0950
Year of construction: 1998
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 4KW
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Conical granulating sieve: β
Rotor sizes: dia.195x105mm
Sieve sizes: dia.200x110mm
Sieve perforation: 0,45
Inlet: dia.250mm
Outlet: dia.250mm
Motor: 4,0kW230/400Volt
Speed: 0-2800rpm
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4301(304)
Mounted on stainl. st. frame: β
Mounted on wheels: β
With switchgear: β
Total height: 1,9M
Weight: 320Kg
CE: β
Floor space: 1,6x0,9M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
Discover more used machines

940 km
Urschel Usa GK (slicer; dicer) - Vegetable cutter
Urschel UsaGK (slicer; dicer)
Year of construction: 1983, Condition: used, General
SKU: 354T1001
Location: Barneveld
Make: Urschel
Type: GK
No.: 2017
Year of construction: 1983
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 1.5KW
Specified Features - Vegetable cutter
Material: Stainlesssteel
Vegetable cutters
Cutter: β
Continuous cutter: β
Number of knife blades: 8-25
With scraper: β
Inlet: 460x250mm
Outlet: 180x
Motor: 1,5kW
With variable speed drive: β
Mounted on frame: β
With switch: β
Weight: 470kg
Floorspace: 1,87x1,17m
Total height: 1,2m
Extra Specifications: TYPESOFCUTS:SLICES:1.6to19.1mmDICES:Aslicingknife,ngingthesizeof thecubesisdonebyusingtherequiredcuttingspindlesandadjustingthesli cethickness.Β Slicethickness:3.2to19.1mmΒ Crosscutknives: 7.1to22.2mmΒ Circularknives:2.4to76mmSTRIPCUTS:Tomakestripcut s,onlytheslicingknifeandthecrosscutknifespindleareusedtomaketwodi mensionalcuts.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Netzsch LMJ-01 - Sand mill
Year of construction: 1988, Condition: used, General
SKU: 412T1298
Location: Barneveld
Make: Netzsch-FeinmahltechnikGMBH
Type: LMJ1
No.: 204937
Year of construction: 1988
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 0.7Ltr.
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Attritor: β
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: Β±0,7Ltr.(or)
Housing dimensions: Dia.95x100mm
Inlet: 16mm(2x)
Outlet: 23mm
With jacket: β
Motor: β
With variable speed drive: β
With balls: β
With pump: β
Motor: β
With variable speed drive: β
Mounted on frame: β
Mounted on wheels: β
With switch: β
With switchgear: β
Weight: 300kg
Floorspace: 1,4x0,8m
Total height: 1,85m
ATEX compatible: β
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Rieter PRIMO 100 S - Pelletiser
RieterPRIMO 100 S
Year of construction: 2006, Condition: used, General
SKU: 231U198
Location: Barneveld
Make: Rieter
Type: PRIMO100S
No.: 10.0069173
Year of construction: 2006
Main Features
Motor: 3KW
Width: 100mm
Specified Features - Pelletiser
Material: Mildsteel
Pelletiser: "strandpelletizer"
Rotor width: 130mm
Rotor diameter: 100mm
With roll feeding: β
Motor: 3kW220-240/380-420Volt(598rpm)
Capacity: max350kg/h
Outlet: 200x140mm
Mounted on frame: β
Mounted on wheels: β
With switch: β
Weight: 750kg
CE: β
Floorspace: 1,3x1m
Total height: 1,45m
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Rieter Primo 100S - Pelletiser
RieterPrimo 100S
Year of construction: 2000, Condition: used, General
SKU: 231U190
Location: Barneveld
Make: Rieter
Type: Primo100S
No.: 10.006-8519
Year of construction: 2000
Main Features
Motor: 3.5KW
Width: 100mm
Specified Features - Pelletiser
Material: Mildsteel
Pelletiser: β
Rotor width: 130mm
Rotor diameter: 130mm
Number of rotor knives: 1
Motor: 3,5kW,400volt
Number of strands:: 4
Capacity: 30-90kg/min
Outlet: 200x140mm
Mounted on frame: β
Mounted on wheels: β
With switch: β
Weight: 620kg
CE: β
Floorspace: 1,3x1m
Total height: 2,2m
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
BΓΌhler Cobra 501 - Sand mill
BΓΌhlerCobra 501
Year of construction: 1999, Condition: used, General
SKU: 234S120
Location: Barneveld
Make: BΓΌhlerCobra501
Type: SRK440
No.: 10310050
Year of construction: 1999
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 55KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Vertical sandmill: β
Housing dimensions: dia.320x900mm
Inlet: dia.35mm
Outlet: dia.35mm
Motor: 55kW380/690Volt
With switch: β
Weight: 2650Kg
Floorspace: 2,1x1,5M
Total height: 2,9M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Netzsch LME-50 - Sand mill
Year of construction: 1979, Condition: used, General
SKU: R1136
Location: Barneveld
Make: NetzschFeinmahltechnikGmbH(D)
Type: LME-50(figurnr574)
No.: 204491
Year of construction: 1979
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 50Ltr.
Motor: 36KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: 50ltr
Housing dimensions: dia.300x950mm
Inlet: dia.25mm
Outlet: dia.25mm
With mechanical seal: β
With jacket: β
Motor: 36kW380Volt(ex)
Material: Stainlesssteel
Total height: 2,0M
Weight: 1380Kg
Floorspace: 1,9x1,0M
ATEX compatible: β
Extra information
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Fryma MS-18 - Sand mill
Year of construction: 1996, Condition: used, General
SKU: 202U012
Location: Barneveld
Make: Fryma-MaschinenbauGMBH
Type: MS-18
No.: M17181
Year of construction: 1996
Working pressure: 2.5Bar
Working pressure jacket: 2Bar
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 1.1Ltr.
Motor: 10KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Attritor: β
Vertical sandmill: β"CoBallmill"
Capacity: 1,1Ltr.
Housing dimensions: Dia200x135mm
Inlet: 15mm
Outlet: 15mm
With jacket: β
Max. temperature: 80Β°C
Motor: 10kW,400Volt,1465rpm,(EX)
Rotor speed: 1296rpm
Without balls: β
With pump: β
Motor: 0,37kW,380-420/218-242Volt,1430rpm
Mounted on frame: β
With switch: β
With switchgear: β(asis)
Weight: 480kg
CE: β
Floorspace: 1,2x0,9m
Total height: 1,76m
ATEX compatible: β
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
CMA Quimpe CALIBREUR 2 - Sieve granulator
Year of construction: 1996, Condition: used, General
SKU: 058H374
Location: Barneveld
Make: CMAS.A.Quimper
Type: CalibreurTaille2
No.: 203
Year of construction: 1996
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 5.5KW
Width: 210mm
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Conical granulating sieve: (1x)
Sieve sizes: dia.210x125mm
Sieve perforation: 1,0mm+1,5mm+2,0mm
With hopper: β
Inlet: dia.210mm
Motor: 5,5KW,400volt(Ex)
With variable speed drive: β
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Mounted on wheels: β
With switch: β
Floor space: 2,0x0,9M
Total height: 1,7M
Weight: 600KG
ATEX compatible: β
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Quadro Canada Comil 194 S - Sieve granulator
Quadro CanadaComil 194 S
Year of construction: 1997, Condition: used, General
SKU: R1105
Location: Barneveld
Make: QuadroComil
Type: 194S
No.: 194-0869
Year of construction: 1997
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 4KW
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Conical granulating sieve: β
Rotor sizes: 195x105mm
Sieve sizes: dia.200x120mm
Sieve perforation: dia.1mm
With hopper: dia.250x200mm
Inlet: dia150
Outlet: dia.250mm
Motor: 4kW400Volt
Material: Stainlesssteel
Mounted on stainl. st. frame: β
Mounted on wheels: β
With switchgear: β
Total height: 1,9M
Weight: 300Kg
CE: β
Floor space: 1,6x1,0M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Netzsch MasterMill 3 - Sand mill
NetzschMasterMill 3
Year of construction: 2015, Condition: used, General
SKU: 383U1043
Location: Barneveld
Make: Netzsch
Type: Mastermill3
No.: 2404563
Year of construction: 2015
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 10Ltr.
Motor: 2.2KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Plexiglass/acrylicglass,Stainlesssteel1.4552
Vertical sandmill: βBasketMill
Capacity: 9Ltr.
Housing dimensions: Dia.220x250mm
Inlet: Dia.220mm
With sieve: β
With jacket: β
Motor: 2,2kW
With variable speed drive: βfrequencyconverter
Rotor speed: 1100-3000rpm
With balls: β
With switchgear: β(asis)
Total height: 1,2m
Weight: 630kg
CE: β
Floorspace: 1,2x0,9m
ATEX compatible: β
Extra Specifications: Drivepowermill,2,2kW,drivepowerstirrer0,75kW,millspeed1100-3000r pm,mixerspeed180-2600rpm,basketvolume0,5ltr,Β
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Kek Gardner CM680 - Sieve granulator
Kek GardnerCM680
Year of construction: 2009, Condition: used, General
SKU: R1090
Location: Barneveld
Make: KekGardner(UK)
Type: CM680
No.: CM680B45378/1
Year of construction: 2009
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 18.5KW
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Granulating sieve: β
Conical granulating sieve: β
Rotor sizes: dia.660x190mm
Sieve sizes: dia.660x180mm
Sieve perforation: 5x5mm
Inlet: dia.250mm
Outlet: dia300mm
Motor: 18.5kW400/690Volt
Speed: 326rpm
With extra sieves: (1x)5x5mm
Total height: 1,8M
Weight: 1200Kg
Floor space: 2,0x1,3M
Extra Specifications: Usedforwetmilling300Kg/hIncludingaTBMAEuroperotatingvalvetypeH-A R-150-1
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
BΓΌhler RWK 501/SRK-440 - Sand mill
BΓΌhlerRWK 501/SRK-440
Condition: used, General
SKU: 234S116
Location: Barneveld
Make: BΓΌhlerRWK501
Type: SRK-440
No.: 10226398
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 55KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Vertical sandmill: β
Housing dimensions: dia.320x900mm
Inlet: dia35mm
Outlet: dia.35m
Motor: 55kW380Volt
Material: Stainlesssteel
Floorspace: 2,4x1,3M
Total height: 2,7M
Weight: 2650Kg
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
BΓΌhler Cobra 501 - Sand mill
BΓΌhlerCobra 501
Year of construction: 1992, Condition: used, General
SKU: 241S147
Location: Barneveld
Make: BΓΌhlerCobra501
Type: SRK440
No.: 10208703
Year of construction: 1992
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 55KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Vertical sandmill: β
Housing dimensions: dia.320x900mm
Inlet: dia.35mm
Outlet: dia.35mm
Motor: 55kW380/690Volt
With switchgear: (asis)
Total height: 2,8M
Weight: 2700Kg
Floorspace: 2,3x1,6M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Drais PMH-50 TEX - Sand mill
DraisPMH-50 TEX
Year of construction: 1989, Condition: used, General
SKU: R1312
Location: Barneveld
Make: DraisWerkeGmbH(D)
Type: PMH50TEX
No.: 53353
Year of construction: 1989
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 50Ltr.
Motor: 36KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: 50ltr.
Housing dimensions: dia.290x855mm
Inlet: dia.30mm
Outlet: dia.30mm
With mechanical seal: β
With jacket: β
Max. temperature: 100degr.C
Motor: 36kW380/660Volt(Ex)
Total height: 1,8M
Weight: 2000Kg
Floorspace: 2,0x1,0M
ATEX compatible: β
Extra Specifications: withextrascreencartridges0.22and0.35mmincludingsparepartgrinding innerwallandgrindingdiscs
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
BΓΌhler FKK-900-A - Sand mill
Year of construction: 2004, Condition: used, General
SKU: 312T743
Location: Barneveld
Make: BΓΌhler
Type: FKK-900-A
No.: 10376559
Year of construction: 2004
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Volume: 20Ltr.
Motor: 90KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Stainlesssteel
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: 20Ltr.
Inlet: dia.37mm
Outlet: dia.37mm
Motor: 90kW
With switch: β
With switchgear: β
Weight: 4100kg(controlcabinet350kg,palletwithlooseparts200kg)
Floorspace: 2,3x2m
Total height: 2,6m
Extra Specifications: Coolingwaterusageat3bar:4.5mΒ³/hControlairpressure:6β10barProduct flowrate:60β1200Ltr./hGrindingmediaΓ:1,6-2,5mm(steelprocesschambe r)
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Frewitt Fribourg SG-0010 - Sieve granulator
Frewitt FribourgSG-0010
Year of construction: 1997, Condition: used, General
SKU: 356S841
Location: Barneveld
Make: FrewittFribourg(CH)
Type: SG-0010
No.: 0397114
Year of construction: 1997
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Motor: 4KW
Width: 120mm
Specified Features - Sieve granulator
Granulating sieve: β
Rotor sizes: dia.120x160mm
Sieve sizes: dia.120x180mm
Sieve perforation: 1,10mm
Inlet: funnelDN150
Outlet: DN150
Motor: 4,0kW,230/400Volt(Ex)
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404(316L)
Mounted on stainl. st. frame: β
Total height: 1,4M
Weight: 295Kg
CE: β
Floor space: 1,1x0,6M
ATEX compatible: β
Extra Specifications: withmechanicalsealBurgmannMR32L-D/45-E1
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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Through Machineseeker certified dealers


940 km
Fryma MSM-32 - Sand mill
FrymaMSM-32 - Sand mill
Condition: used, SKU : 070C323
Location : Barneveld
Make : Fryma Maschinen AG Rheinfelden
Type : MSM-32
No. : M-10922
Year of construction : 1984
Working pressure : 2.5 Bar
Working pressure jacket : 2 Bar
Main Features
Material : Mild steel
Volume : 2.4 Ltr.
Motor : 22 KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material : Mild steel
Vertical sandmill : CoBall mill (1x)
Capacity : 2,42 Ltr
Housing dimensions : dia. 350x210mm, Rotor dia. 340mm
With mechanical seal : check
With jacket : check
Rotor jacketed : check
Motor : 22,0 KW, 380/660 Volt (IP54)
Rotor speed : Β± 580 Rpm
Capacity : 90-180 Ltr/Hr (paint/varnishes)
With switch : check
Floorspace : 1,4x0,8 M
Total height : 1,7 M
Technical specs
Extra information : Rotor dia. 340mm
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Tria 400/ELR - Granulator
Condition: used, General
SKU: 026N542
Location: Barneveld
Make: Tria(It)
Type: 400/ELR
No.: 33.0441.85
Main Features
Motor: 15KW
Inlet diameter: 400mm
Width: 420mm
Specified Features - Granulator
Material: Mildsteel
Granulator: β
Rotor width: 420mm
Rotor diameter: 400mm
Open rotor: β
Number of rotor knives: 3
Number of stator knives:: 2
With hopper: β
Inlet: 500x300mm
Hinged top: β
Motor: 15KW,380Volt
Mounted on frame: β
With switchgear: β
Floorspace: 1,9x1,2m
Total height: 2,2m
Weight: 1300kg
Extra Specifications: -OVERHAULED-
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Drais PMH-25 TEX - Sand mill
DraisPMH-25 TEX
Condition: used, General
SKU: 235T263
Location: Barneveld
Make: DraisPerlMill
Type: PM25TEX
No.: 54786
Working pressure: 3Bar
Main Features
Material: Mildsteel/Stainlesssteel
Volume: 30.2Ltr.
Motor: 25.9KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Mildsteel,Stainlesssteel1.4571(316Ti)
Attritor: β
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: Bruto:30,2Ltr,Netto:24,6Ltr.
Housing dimensions: dia.235x700mm
Inlet: DN32
Outlet: DN32
With mechanical seal: β
With jacket: β
Motor: 25.9kW460/790Volt
With variable speed drive: β
Rotor speed: 37-204rpm
With switch: asis
Floorspace: 1,65x0,9m
Total height: 1,8m
Weight: 1350kg
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

940 km
Netzsch LME 60 - Sand mill
NetzschLME 60
Year of construction: 1980, Condition: used, General
SKU: 323T842
Location: Barneveld
Make: Netzsch
Type: LME60
No.: 204768
Year of construction: 1980
Main Features
Material: Mildsteel/Stainlesssteel
Volume: 60Ltr.
Motor: 55KW
Specified Features - Sand mill
Material: Mildsteel,Stainlesssteel
Horizontal sand mill: β
Capacity: 60ltr
Housing dimensions: Dia410x1100mm
Inlet: Dia:25mm
Outlet: Dia:60mm
With mechanical seal: β
With jacket: β
Motor: 55kW,380Volt,1480rpm(EX)
Without balls: β
Mounted on frame: β
With switch: β(asis)
Weight: 2500kg
Floorspace: 2,35x1,6mtr
Total height: 2,3mtr
ATEX compatible: β
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.
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