Used Chocolate Molding Machine for sale (83,563)

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Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
Paper pulp thermoforming machine Taiwan Pulp Molding  TPM-1500
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Poland Gdańsk
1,757 km

Paper pulp thermoforming machine
Taiwan Pulp Molding TPM-1500

Injection molding machine Demag Ergotech  Concept 350 / 710-2300
Injection molding machine Demag Ergotech  Concept 350 / 710-2300
Injection molding machine Demag Ergotech  Concept 350 / 710-2300
Injection molding machine Demag Ergotech  Concept 350 / 710-2300
Ends in 
min  Auction ended
Greece Greece
2,836 km

Injection molding machine
Demag Ergotech Concept 350 / 710-2300

Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
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Germany Langenfeld (Rheinland)
1,065 km

Injection molding machine
ARBURGAllrounder 520S 2200-675

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine up to 1000 KN ARBURG Allrounder 420 C 1000 - 290
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Germany Neuenrade
1,117 km

Injection molding machine up to 1000 KN
ARBURGAllrounder 420 C 1000 - 290

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
Injection molding machine ENGEL Insert 80H / 35
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
ENGELInsert 80H / 35

Certified Dealer
Molding sanding machine Löwer LS 200
Molding sanding machine Löwer LS 200
Molding sanding machine Löwer LS 200
Molding sanding machine Löwer LS 200
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Germany Germany
1,228 km

Molding sanding machine
LöwerLS 200

Certified Dealer
Injection  Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM300-1400C2
Injection  Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM300-1400C2
Injection  Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM300-1400C2
Injection  Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM300-1400C2
Injection  Molding Machine KRAUSS MAFFEI KM300-1400C2
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Germany Germany
1,293 km

Injection Molding Machine

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
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Netherlands Breda
908 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg1200 T 800 - 60

Certified Dealer
Dough dividing and molding machine Erika Record Record Automat
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Germany Babenhausen
1,245 km

Dough dividing and molding machine
Erika RecordRecord Automat

Certified Dealer
808T injection molding machine TEDERIC DE808 electric
808T injection molding machine TEDERIC DE808 electric
808T injection molding machine TEDERIC DE808 electric
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France Groissiat
1,274 km

808T injection molding machine
TEDERICDE808 electric

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg720S 3200-2100

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h KraussMaffei 2K KM 130-750CX 61010843
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Germany Burgoberbach
1,385 km

Injection molding machine, 130 tons, 28,000 h
KraussMaffei2K KM 130-750CX 61010843

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine injection molding machine Haitian Mars MA III 5300WM/2400-720
Injection molding machine injection molding machine Haitian Mars MA III 5300WM/2400-720
Injection molding machine injection molding machine Haitian Mars MA III 5300WM/2400-720
Injection molding machine injection molding machine Haitian Mars MA III 5300WM/2400-720
Injection molding machine injection molding machine Haitian Mars MA III 5300WM/2400-720
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Germany Borken
1,034 km

Injection molding machine injection molding machine
HaitianMars MA III 5300WM/2400-720

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
2x Arburg320C 600-250

100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
100t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX 440/100
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Spain Spain
1,481 km

100t all-electric injection molding machine
ENGELE-MAX 440/100

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine DR. BOY 35 A
Injection molding machine DR. BOY 35 A
Injection molding machine DR. BOY 35 A
Injection molding machine DR. BOY 35 A
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Germany Hövelhof
1,156 km

Injection molding machine

Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
Injection molding machine BATTENFELD PO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E
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Germany Bockhorn
1,076 km

Injection molding machine
BATTENFELDPO 250/600 SI Siebkorb mit Co-Extruder E

Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg570C 2200-675

3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
3200t injection molding machine ENGEL DU
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Spain Spain
1,481 km

3200t injection molding machine

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
Injection molding machine Engel VC 500/120 spex
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
EngelVC 500/120 spex

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Dealers certified through Machineseeker

Trust Seal
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg570C 2000-800 GE

180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAC  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAC  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAC  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAC  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAC  PRO
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Spain Spain
1,481 km

180t all-electric injection molding machine

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg  820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift
Injection molding machine Arburg  820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift
Injection molding machine Arburg  820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift
Injection molding machine Arburg  820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift
Injection molding machine Arburg  820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg 820S 4000-2100 mit Multilift

180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
180t all-electric injection molding machine ENGEL E-MAX  PRO
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Spain Spain
1,481 km

180t all-electric injection molding machine

Certified Dealer

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