Used Bhu for sale (12)
Cylindrical grinder
TOS Hostivař (CNC)BHU
Cylindrical grinding machine
TOS HostivařBHU 32A / 2000
Cylindrical grinding machine
TOSBHU 40/1500
+44 20 806 810 84
Cylindrical grinder
TOS HostivařBHU 320 x 1500
Laminer Flow Cabinet, Safety Cabinet
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Working platform
RenaultMaxity Bühne GSR 18m 2 b HU+AU+UVV Neu
Tank container
UBH Universal Bulk Handling20 FT Swap, 31.169L, UN Portable, T7, valid 5Y...
Volume truck tractor
MANTGS 18.320 LLS U Day Cab Hubkupplung neu
Mitsubishi engine
MitsubishiHA300NCB-S SPEC NO 74044 + Encoder OSA104 SN J4AVP3X2ABH ungebr.
Pneumatic cylinders
MartonairRM/8063 B Hub 1150 mm
Hydraulic cylinder
EnerpacRD 2510 C.B4B Hub 245 mm
Control technology
Used Bhu (12)
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+44 20 806 810 84