Used Arburg 221 for sale (351)

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Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
Injection Moulding Machine Arburg/Engel 305/221/ES80
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Germany Germany
1,293 km

Injection Moulding Machine

Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
Injection moulding machine Arburg 270U-250-70 (221)
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Poland Koszalin
1,601 km

Injection moulding machine
Arburg270U-250-70 (221)

Certified Dealer
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
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Trenčianske Stankovce
1,890 km

Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (only 34.748 working hours!)
Arburg221 KS 350-100

Certified Dealer
Tool rest Arburg für 221
Tool rest Arburg für 221
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Germany Sonneberg
1,372 km

Tool rest
Arburgfür 221

Injector Arburg 221 K 350 - 100 U
Injector Arburg 221 K 350 - 100 U
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Poland Wrocław
1,728 km

Arburg221 K 350 - 100 U

2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
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Slovakia Slovakia
2,011 km

2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (working hours: 42.036)
Arburg221 KS 350-100

Certified Dealer
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
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Slovakia Slovakia
2,011 km

2000 Arburg 221 KS 350-100 (only 34.748 working hours!)
Arburg221 KS 350-100

Certified Dealer
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882) Arburg 221 KS 350-100
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Trenčianske Stankovce
1,890 km

Arburg 221 KS 350-100 vertical/horizontal (year: 2001, working hours: 40.882)
Arburg221 KS 350-100

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
Injection molding machine Arburg 221KS 250-75
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Poland Łódź
1,864 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg221KS 250-75

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
Injection molding machine ARBURG Allrounder 520S 2200-675
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Germany Langenfeld (Rheinland)
1,065 km

Injection molding machine
ARBURGAllrounder 520S 2200-675

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine up to 1000 KN ARBURG Allrounder 420 C 1000 - 290
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Germany Neuenrade
1,117 km

Injection molding machine up to 1000 KN
ARBURGAllrounder 420 C 1000 - 290

Certified Dealer
Spare parts Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-Maschinen Edelstahltrichter
Spare parts Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-Maschinen Edelstahltrichter
Spare parts Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-Maschinen Edelstahltrichter
Spare parts Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-Maschinen Edelstahltrichter
Spare parts Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-Maschinen Edelstahltrichter
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Germany Straßenhaus
1,124 km

Spare parts
Edelstrahltrichter f. Arburg-MaschinenEdelstahltrichter

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
Injection molding machine Arburg 720S 3200-2100
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg720S 3200-2100

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
Injection molding machine Arburg 1200 T 800 - 60
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Netherlands Breda
908 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg1200 T 800 - 60

Certified Dealer
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
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Germany Hattingen
1,071 km

Injection moulding machines

ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition Arburg 420C 1000-290 Golden Edition
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Germany Langenfeld (Rheinland)
1,065 km

ARBURG 420C-1000-290 Golden Edition
Arburg420C 1000-290 Golden Edition

Certified Dealer
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
3D printer Freeformer AKF Arburg 300-3X
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Germany Borken
1,034 km

3D printer Freeformer AKF

Certified Dealer
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
Injection molding machine 2x Arburg 320C 600-250
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
2x Arburg320C 600-250

Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
Injection molding machine Arburg 320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker
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Germany Hannover
1,209 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg320C 500-170 GE m. Arburg Integralpicker

Certified Dealer
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
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Germany Hattingen
1,071 km

Injection moulding machines

Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2200-675
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg570C 2200-675


Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
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Germany Hattingen
1,071 km

Injection moulding machines

Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
Injection molding machine Arburg 570C 2000-800 GE
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Germany Bad Berleburg
1,154 km

Injection molding machine
Arburg570C 2000-800 GE

Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
Multi-component injection moulding machines ARBURG
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Germany Hattingen
1,071 km

Multi-component injection moulding machines

Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
Injection moulding machines ARBURG
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Germany Hattingen
1,071 km

Injection moulding machines


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