Print Finishing Sales & Services GmbH

Print Finishing Sales & Services GmbH from Braunschweig:
Handel mit Druckerei- und Buchbindereimaschinen, Service an Druckerei und Buchbindereimaschinen und Ersatzteilhandel
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Stacker with left hand delivery Bnxe8Q2H8Q......
Perfect Binding Line, consisting of: Wohlenberg Perfect Binder City e 6000 Dploon year 2011 - 15 clamps - handfeeding - infeed channel with jogging station - 2 spine preparing uni......
Inserting Machine - 18’ chain pitch - book block feeder SA 740 as main product feeder - 3 rotary feeders RA724 for inserts Ci3Gh3Hfry - opening station succer OM 730 - 1 twin rotar......
Perfect Binding Line year 2005 consisting of: Müller Martini Perfect Binder Bolero 3028-21 - 21 clamps - handfeeding - endsheet feeder with Hotmelt - infeed - milling station - sp......
Corner Cutter Dpove9......
Palletizer - automatic format adjustment - product infeed via accumulating conveyor - turning paternoster 0° / 90° / 180° with cycle adjustment device - pallet magazine open at the......
Casemaker - device for processing center strip rolls Fzjbdqg - processing hot-glue - viscosity control device - board center strip magazine - board cutting device PS - device for......
Splitting Saw - infeed belt Iswdt23 - shuttle feeder - turnover belt......
Streamfeeder Ujxbjua8Wd......
Frontcutter Utpiq8Glot......
Book Sewing Machine - 2 openings above - 2 opening below - ASIR 3 control system - delivery stacker Br2A8Qvcxac......
Casemaker - board centre strip magazine - chopper for the center strip waste E8Pgx9F - device for automatic pasting and changing of endless spine strip with the machine running......
Palletizer Krjivvz - product infeed via accumulating conveyor - rotary paternoster 90° / 180° inkl. synchronisation - pallet magazine left hand for 8 pallets - intermediate layer ......
Folding Machine - pallet feeder - 6 pockets Bsa2Msk0Er8 - 2 knives - 16 pages - Desta pressing unit with stream delivery BAS-SA 800......
Three Knife Trimmer - copilot - right hand infeed Cqkmgd2Sbi - counter stacker - silicon spraying device......
Perfect Binding Line, consisting of: Bdyhvoft8 Gathering Machine ZU 841.A - basic frame with 21 gathering stations - 19 standard feeders - 1 handfeeding station (covering 2 housi......
Palletizer Cctoehj9G - infeed conveyor DST - turning station - pallet magazine - intermediate sheet feeder - right hand delivery - emergency delivery......
Three Knife Trimmer Dqxcnb - right hand infeed - silicon spraying device - knive quick change device - small size equipment - pile delivery with gripper system - delivery belt......
Stacker - turntable for cross stacking of products - infeed belt with upper and lower belts - prestacking magazine - side jogger for prestacker - small size equipment - delivery l......
Gathering Elements (=3 stations) for elongation of an existing perfect binding line Dqz0I7 or solo gathering machine......
Casing-In Machine - photo book block splitter - Hotmelt nozzle gluing unit for joint gluing - Nordson premelter - Code-Matching - double case control 3U80Mv3J0 - special equipmen......
Perfect Binding Line with endsheet feeder Dq8T0B consisting of: Gathering Machine ZU 804 - 20 stations - handfeeding for 2 persons - Aircenter - transfer to the binder Perfectbin......