Used Altendorf Edition 500 for sale (88)
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1,107 km
ALTENDORF HAND GUARD Edition TwinFlex sliding table saw with 12" touchscreen -exhibition machine-
Condition: new, ALTENDORF HAND GUARD sliding table saw
Edition TwinFlex with 12" touchscreen -exhibition machine-
Including: - ALTENDORF HAND GUARD sliding table saw
Edition TwinFlex with 12" touchscreen
Optical protection system:
Two cameras collect data for hand detection
from a wide area around the saw blade.
As soon as hands are detected entering the area
a quarter of a second, the saw unit is quickly lowered
and quick stop of the saw unit within a quarter of a second.
- Double roller carriage 3,000 mm
- Saw blade projection 150 mm
- Motor power VARIO 5 kW (6.8 HP)
- Tilting on both sides
- DIGIT LD angle mitre fence, cutting to length up to 3,200 mm
- CNC rip fence, cutting width 1,000 mm
- On/off switch on the double roller carriage
- Template holder
Included: - Surcharge for motor power 6.5 kW (8.8 hp) ALTENDORF
with VARIO, for tilting on both sides
Included: - Scoring unit 2-axle, 2-sided, ALTENDORF
with motorized height and side adjustment
Scoring blade height programmable with
quick lowering and quick raising,
Drive motor 0.75 kW (1 hp), 8,200 rpm.
Including: - RAPIDO 180 mm ALTENDORF scoring system
for tilting on both sides
Includes: - LED lighting on ALTENDORF scoring unit
Included: - Double roller carriage 3,400 mm, ALTENDORF
Including: - CNC parallel fence, 1,300 mm, ALTENDORF
Included: - Camera arm, swiveling ALTENDORF
Includes: - Front support roller ALTENDORF
Width 300 mm
Includes: - ALTENDORF air cushion table
Includes: - Table top extension 840 mm ALTENDORF
with air cushion
- new exhibition machine -

1,390 km
AltendorfWA 80 Edition 2
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2024, Sonderpreis – Ausstellungsmaschine Grundmaschine WA 80 TE Edition 2 1,00 Stk TECHNISCHE DETAILS- Bedienpaneel im Maschinenständer- Motorleistung 4,0 kW (5,5 PS), 1 Drehzahlen, 4000 U/min.- Wagenlänge 3000 mm, Schnittlänge 2905 mm- Sägeblattdurchmesser max. 450 mm, - Schnitthöhe max. 150 mm, bei 45° max. 103 mm- Parallelanschlag mit manueller Verstellung,- Schnittbreite 1000 mm- Höhenverstellung elektromotorisch mit Linearführung, wartungsfrei- Schwenkwinkelverstellung elektromotorisch 0 - 45°- Digitale Schwenkwinkelanzeige- Winkelanschlag mit fester 90°-Position, manuell einstellbar über Maßskala bis bis 3200 mm,- Maschinengewicht 1000 kg- Arbeitstischhöhe 910 mm- Werkzeugspannsystem AKE für das Hauptsägeblatt Grundmaschine Technische Daten : Platzbedarf WA 80 ANSCHLUSS DER STAUBABSAUGUNG Absaugung oben Ø = 80 mm Absaugung unten Ø = 120 mm Unterdruck 1200 Pa bei Ansauggesamtanschluss, Ø = 140 mm Luftverbrauch Vmin= 1110 m3/h bei 20 m/sec. ANSCHLUSSWERTE ELEKTRISCH1) Motor 4 kW 5,5 kW 7,5 kW Spannung 380 - 420 V 380 - 420 V 380 - 420 V Frequenz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz Nennstrom ohne / mit Vorritzer 7,5 / 9,5 A 11,5 / 13,5 A 15,5 / 17,5 A Absicherung 25 A 25 A 25 A DOPPELROLLWAGEN-SCHNITTLÄNGEN Maximale Schnittlänge bei Einsatz von Klemmschuh oder Winkelanschlag Wagenlänge 2250 mm 3000 mm 3200 mm 3400 mm 3800 mm 4300 mm Schnittlänge 2150 mm 2900 mm 3100 mm 3300 mm 3700 mm 4010 mm MAXIMALER SÄGEBLATTÜBERSTAND unabhängig vom Vorritzer Sägeblattdurchmesser 250 mm 300 mm 315 mm 350 mm 400 mm 4502) Sägeblattüberstand 90° 0 - 50 mm 0 - 75 mm 0 - 82 mm 0 - 100 mm 0 - 125 mm 13 150 mm Sägeblattüberstand 45° 0 - 33 mm 0 - 50 mm 0 - 56 mm 0 - 70 mm 0 - 87 mm 6 - 103 mm MASCHINENGEWICHT ab 1000 kg ARBEITSHÖHE 910 mm 1)Der Querschnitt der Zuleitung hängt vom Standort der Maschine ab und muss durch eine Elektrofachkraft festgelegt werden (Spannungsfall in der Leitung = 3 %). Absicherung durch Schraubsicherungen. Bei abweichenden Stromversorgungsbedingungen kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Altendorf Vertriebspartner. Emissionsschalldruckpegel am Arbeitsplatz 85,2 dB (A).2)Vorritz-Sägeblatt muss ausgebaut werden. Antriebsleistung 5,5 KW (7,5PS) mit 3 Drehzahlen 1,00 Stk 3000-4000-5000 U/min, manuell verstellbar Vorritzaggregat mit elektromotorischer Höhen- und manueller Seitenverstellung 1,00 Stk Der Vorritzer ermöglicht ausrissfreie Unterseiten beim Sägen von beschichtetem Plattenmaterial. Die Höhen- und Seitenverstellung erfolgt manuell. Nach der Höheneinstellung ist der Vorritzer per Hebel schnell absenkbar. Die eingestellte Höhe ist wieder einsetzbar, indem der Absenkhebel zurückgestellt wird. Das Vorritzaggregat hat eine Antriebsleistung von 0,75 kW bei 8 200 U/min. ohne Sägeblätter Winkel-Gehrungsanschlag bis 3500 mm 1,00 Stk Ablängen bis 3500 mm, manuelle Winkelverstellung um 49°, mit LängenausgleichDieser von Altendorf patentierte Anschlag mit integriertem Längenausgleich erleichtert das präzise Schneiden von Winkeln und Gehrungen in einer Funktion. In beiden Positionen ist derSchwenkwinkel stufenlos um 49° verstellbar und wird über eine Maßskala angezeigt. DieAnschlagklappen können als Einzelklappe bis max. 3 500 mm eingestellt werden. BeiAblängmaßen ab ca. 1 700 mm übernimmt der Teleskopauszug die äußere m Schneiden von Gehrungen kann der Anschlag durch den integriertenLängenausgleich ohne Umspannen stufenlos maßgenau eingestellt werden.
Lagerort: Garbsen

940 km
Mavag Altendorf HP840 - Horizontal plate filter
Mavag AltendorfHP840
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2005, General
SKU: R0856
Location: Barneveld
Make: MavagAG(CH)
Type: HP840
No.: 24.1801
Year of construction: 2005
Working pressure: 3.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure jacket: 6Bar
Vacuum possible jacket: ✔
Main Features
Material: Stainlesssteel
Surface: 6m2
Specified Features - Horizontal plate filter
Material: Stainlesssteel1.4404
Plate filter: ✔
Without plates: ✔
Top connections: dia.80mm(1x)dia.50mm(2x)dia.25mm(1x)
Solids outlet: dia.50mm
Liquid outlet: dia.50mm
With jacket: (50ltr)
Max. temperature: -10/80degr.C
With hydraulic drive: ✔
Motor: pneumaticdriven
With pump: ✔
Capacity: 250bar
Mounted on legs: ✔
Weight: 1300kg
CE: ✔
Floorspace: 2,1x1,3M
Total height: 2,5M
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

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+44 20 806 810 84
+44 20 806 810 84
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1,100 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfF 45 Evo Drive
Year of construction: 2022, Condition: new, New machine
Year of construction 2022
Basic equipment
Electromotive height and swivel adjustment
0-46° with automatic correction of the cutting height
with swivel
Control at eye level, swiveling
Double roller carriage, carriage length 3,000 mm
Parallel fence, manually adjustable via
scale, incl. manual fine adjustment,
Cutting width 1,000 mm
Angle fence with fixed 90° position,
manually adjustable via scale up to 3,200 mm
Saw blade projection max. 150 mm
max. saw blade Ø 450 mm
Drive power 4 kW (5.5 HP) with 4000 rpm
AKE tool clamping system for the main saw blade
Working height 91 cm
Motor 5.5 kW (7.5 hp) with VARIO F45
- Infinitely variable speed control from 2000 -
6000 rpm
- Precise speed adjustment to the material
material increases the cutting quality and service life of the saw blades
Extended cutting height for one-sided tilting
This option is available for one-sided tilting
with a large extraction hood for a max.
saw blade Ø of 550 mm and a saw blade projection of max.
saw blade projection of max. 204 mm.
In combination with a scoring unit
saw blade Ø is 500 mm or 179 mm cutting height.
cutting height. Only in conjunction with at least 5.5
kW (7.5 HP) drive power
2-axis scoring unit one. Tilt
With electromotive height and side
lateral adjustment, scoring blade height programmable
with quick lowering and quick raising ,
Drive motor 0.75 kW (1 hp), 8200 rpm.
Retrofitting only possible on machines with preparation
for scoring unit possible.
LED lighting
With particularly energy-efficient LED technology
the danger zone of the scoring unit is clearly
The Altendorf double roller carriage is famous for
its smooth and precise running. It
can be locked in any position. The
large double castors, precision-machined from hardened
hardened steel, hold the upper carriage in
in conjunction with the undercarriage with absolute
respective hard chrome-plated guide rods.
This running quality is maintained even
decades of load and soiling.
and dirt. The trolley design is
extremely torsion-resistant and
multi-hollow chamber system. The
table surface is precisely planed and
anodized. A mounting for the cross slide and an interface
and as an interface for various accessories is a
hard chrome-plated round rod, which is positively
into the upper carriage. The entire
unit is low-maintenance and does not require
On/off switch on the double roller unit
The on/off switch on the double roller carriage is
always at hand. The four buttons are used to
both the main saw blade and the scoring blade are
switched on and off. This saves walking and
ensures greater safety
Angle mitre fence, cutting to length up to 3500 mm
This stop patented by ALTENDORF with integrated length
integrated length compensation facilitates the
precise cutting of angles and miters in one function.
one function. In both positions, the
angle can be continuously adjusted by 49° and is
is indicated by a measuring scale.
backlash-free and robust stop flaps can be
easily moved and adjusted as a single flap over the entire
the entire range up to max. 3500 mm.

961 km
Sliding table saw Altendorf F45
AltendorfF45 F45
Condition: used, Format saw
Altendorf F45
Serial No. 89-4-347
Roller table 2800mm
- Documentation available: No
Financial information
VAT: The price shown is exclusive of VAT
VAT/margin: VAT deductible for entrepreneurs
Delivery and trade-in always possible for everything in the industrial sectors
Glenn Smeets

1,087 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfF 25 Version 6
Condition: new, Year of construction: 2022, Altendorf: F 25 Version 6
- 4 KW (5.5 HP), 1 speed
- Parallel stop 1000 mm
- Double sliding table 3200 mm
- Manual miter stop
- Splitting wedge Extractor hood
- Without scoring unit (prepared for the subsequent
- installation of a scoring unit)
The ALTENDORF F 25 offers everything
that a panel saw needs to be able to do in a small space. Whether in your
first own workshop, for daily use, in industrial production or as a powerful
second machine.
The F 25 is the space-saving all-rounder that simply makes you more productive. Materials such as wood panel materials, solid wood, wood-like materials
or extruded profiles can be processed easily thanks to the best precision,
easy handling and excellent cutting quality. The one-sided swiveling saw unit also enables angle cuts. The smooth-running double sliding table based on the Altendorf system is part of the standard version, as is the digital display of the height and swivel. A machine for beginners and professionals alike. Double sliding table, swiveling, manual height and swivel adjustment, parallel stop with manual. Fine adjustment,
Angle miter stop,
Preparation for subsequent installation,
of a scoring unit
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 46 °,
Carriage length: 3,200 mm,
Cutting width: 1,000 mm,
Cutting height: 100 mm,
Max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm,
Max. saw blade projection: 104 mm,
Non CE version: Max. saw blade Ø: 350 mm,
Max. saw blade projection: 121.5 mm,
Crosscut stop extendable up to: 3,450 mm,
Speeds: 4,200 rpm,
Motor power: 4.4 kW, 5.5 HP,
Work table height: 880 mm
Special price from stock 54634 Bitburg
- immediately available -

1,028 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfTKR 90
Condition: good (used), Year of construction: 1988, Altendorf TKR 90 panel saw
Year of manufacture 1988
Mach. No.: 88-11-153
Motor 11.0 KW / 400 Volt
Cutting length 1400 mm
Cutting width 1000 mm
Max. saw blade Ø 450 mm
Max. cutting height 155 mm
Speeds 3000/5000 rpm
Parallel protection device
Table extension

1,181 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfF 45
Condition: good (used), Year of construction: 1993, Panel saw
Manufacturer Altendorf
Type F45
Sliding carriage length 2800 mm
Saw blade swivels 45°
Motor power 5.5 kW
Scoring motor 0.75 kW
Height and swivel adjustment hydraulic
With digital display for swivel and speed
Cutting width to the right of the saw blade 1050 mm
With table extension 840 mm x 700 mm
With table extension 1220 mm x 700 mm
Maximum saw blade diameter with scoring unit 350 mm
Maximum saw blade diameter 400 mm without scoring unit
Cutting height at 90° maximum 130 mm
Cutting height at 45° maximum 90 mm
Saw shaft speed 3000/4000/5000/6000 rpm.
Extractor hood above the saw blade
including wide extractor hood for 45° cuts
and narrow hood for 90° cuts
Extractor connection above saw blade diameter 80 mm
Extractor connection below diameter 120 mm
Length stop with magnifying glass with roller support
Weight approx. 1050 kg

940 km
Mavag Altendorf Glass-lined / Hastelloy C-22 - Nutsche filter
Mavag AltendorfGlass-lined / Hastelloy C-22
Year of construction: 1998, Condition: used, General
SKU: 251U330
Location: Barneveld
Make: Mavag/EHWThale
.: 612045
Working pressure: 6Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Main Features
Material: Glass
Motor: 15KW
Surface: 3m2
Specified Features - Nutsche filter
Nutsche filter: ✔
Filter surface: 3m²
Capacity: 3500l(bruto5900l)
Vessel sizes: Dia:2000x1500mm
Plate sizes: Dia:2000mm
Top connections: DN80(6x),DN50
Solids outlet: DN300
Liquid outlet: DN80
Max. temperature: 0ºC/+100ºC
With stirrer: hasteloy2.4602stirrer
Motor: 15kW,(Ex400V)1455rpm
Stirrer speed: 3-25rpm(reversibel)
Cake thickness: max500mm
Cake capacity: ±1570l
Stirrer can be lifted: ✔
With hydraulic unit: ✔1,5kW(Ex,230/400V)
Material: Glass-Enamel,Stainlesssteel2.4610(HastelloyC-22)
Year of construction: 1998
Mounted on legs: ✔
With switchgear: ✔(asis)
Floorspace: 2,4x2,4m
CE: ✔
Total height: 5,75m
Weight: 3790kg
Extra Specifications: Underopening,dam.2,0mtr,manhole500mm,coveronwheels,withStahlCont rol,typeExicom9752,(Ex),sMaierHasteloy2.4602stirrer,typeBreviniET 3090F3,i=100
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

1,500 km
Sliding table saw
Condition: used, Year of construction: 1994, Cutting height max: 100 mm
Saw blade diameter max: 350 mm
Saw blade height adjustment: electro-motive
Saw blade tiltable: electro-motive
Main motor power: 7,5 kW
Rotation speed steps: 2
Scoring aggregate: Yes
Controlled axes: Yes
Parallelanschlag, Digitalanzeige: Yes
Winkelanschlag, Digitalanzeige: Length

1,208 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfF 45 EvoDrive
Condition: new, Year of construction: 2024, machine/vehicle number: 24-01-12-041, with 7" touchscreen and separate keyboard
Machine height 910 mm,
Operating at eye level with template holder,
2-axis scoring unit and extended cutting height,
max. saw blade diameter D = 500 mm,
max. saw blade projection 179 mm,
Vario motor 7.5 kW (10 HP),
LED lighting scoring unit,
Table top extension 840 mm,
Double-roller carriage 3000 mm,
max. cutting length with scoring unit 2905 mm,
On/off switch on the double-roller carriage,
Angle miter stop,
CNC parallel stop cutting width 1000 mm,
Template holder,
Front support roller,
STEG, second support on the double-roller carriage,
DUPLEX, double-sided miter stop,
List price of the machine € 40,380.00
incl. freight and packaging (€ 690.00)
Available immediately from the Seevetal warehouse, subject to prior sale,
without freight, assembly and instruction

1,087 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfWA 80 TE
Condition: new, Year of construction: 2024, Altendorf WA 80 TE panel saw
WA 80
Performance that inspires.
The WA 80 panel saw can help you master any material challenge: regardless of whether you are processing wood or plastic. With its strong heart and robust character, the WA 80 can handle all cuts - from simple panel cuts to complex angles and mitres. Completely developed and assembled in Germany, this panel saw has redefined the standards among classic workshop machines. It is a guarantee of success for every company. Including yours!
Control panel on the machine stand
At the touch of a button, you can control the height and swivel adjustment of the main saw blade. The swivel angle is clearly shown on the digital display.
Rip fence with manual fine adjustment
The stop is easy to adjust and can be adjusted very precisely manually thanks to the fine adjustment. If large panels are to be divided, the stop can be swiveled under the table level with one move.
Double roller carriage
Carriage length 3000 mm
The large double rollers hold the upper carriage in connection with the lower carriage absolutely precisely in the respective guide rods. The carriage is easy to set in motion with little effort and runs safely as if on rails. This running quality is maintained even after decades of load and dirt
Max. cutting length 3,000 mm
Max. cutting height 150 mm
Max. cutting width 1,300 mm
1 x M51061 Surcharge: 5.5 KW (7.5 HP) with 3 speeds
1 x M24040 Scoring unit with electrical adjustment
1 x M44054 Mitre stop, clearance up to 3500 mm
1 x M44071 Parallel stop 1300 mm
From stock 54634 Bitburg
- available immediately -

1,028 km
Circular sawing machines
Condition: good (used), Year of construction: 1993, Altendorf TKR 90 panel saw
Year of manufacture 1993
Machine no.: 93-07-097
Motor 11.0 KW / 400 Volt
Cutting length 1400 mm
Cutting width 1000 mm
Max. saw blade Ø 450 mm
Max. cutting height 155 mm
Speeds 3000/5000 rpm
Parallel protection device
Table extension

1,079 km
Altendorf F45 panel saw
Condition: good (used), Year of construction: 1979, For sale is a panel saw from Altendorf.
The machine works perfectly and can be inspected on site.
About the machine:
- 2800mm sliding carriage
- 45 degree adjustment
- Scoring unit: no
- 4 speeds
- Extractor hood
- Year of manufacture 1979
Accessories: Angle stop, extension table, tools, trimming stop

940 km
Mavag Altendorf 503050 - Tray dryer
Mavag Altendorf503050
Condition: used, Year of construction: 2000, General
SKU: 446W1484
Location: Barneveld
Make: MavagAG
Type: 50305
Machine number: 20.2400-I
Working pressure: 0.5Bar
Vacuum possible: ✔
Working pressure trays: 8Bar
Main Features
Material: Hastelloy
Volume: 1850Ltr.
Surface: 7.5m2
Specified Features - Tray dryer
Tray dryer: ✔
Stainless steel housing: ✔
Stainless steel trays: ✔8pieces,volume55l.(material2.4605,Hasttelloy)
Heating surface: 7,5m²
Drying chamber capacity: 1850l.
Drying chamber sizes: 1050x900x1300mm
Max. temperature: -30°C/+200°C
Number of trays: 8
Tray sizes: 1050x900mm
Distance between the trays: 150mm
Tray capacity: 55l.
Max. temperature: -30°C/+200°C
With containers: ✔26pc
Container sizes: 990x320x50(material2.4605,Hastelloy)
With 1 door: ✔
Connection for the vacuum pump: ✔
Connections: ✔
With vacuum pump: ✔
Motor: 4,36-8,7kW,380volt,1450rpm
Material: Stainlesssteel2.4605(HastelloyC-22)
Year of construction: 2000
Mounted on frame: Onlegs
With switchgear: ✔(asis)
Floorspace: 1,60x1,50m
Total height: 2,10m
Weight: 1750kg
Extra Specifications: Withfilter,volume24l.,jacketvolume5l., Thubastainlesssteelc ontrol,(Ex)Withtray’s,andMavagmobilestainlesssteelCIPvessel,volum e220l.
What you can expect from Foeth: all our machines are in working condition, and at a reduced price compared to new. They are ready for shipping to any destination worldwide. You are welcome to inspect our machines in Barneveld, The Netherlands. Please visit our Foeth website for more information about this machine.

1,337 km
Panel sizing circular saws
AltendorfF25 Typ 3 Version 3
Condition: new, The Altendorf F 25 offers everything in a small space,what a sliding table saw must be able to do. And that inuncompromising Altendorf quality.A machine for beginners and professionals ic equipment:- Manual height and swivel adjustment 0 - 46 °of the saw blade, with digital display- Drive power 4 kW (5.5 HP) with one speed,4200 rpm.- Sliding trolley, trolley length 3200 mm- Crosscut-miter fence, lengths up to 3450 mm- Braking device, illuminated button- saw blade diameter max. 315 mm,- Saw blade protrusion max. 104 mm- Cutting height 100 mm, 70 mm at 45 °- Machine height 88 cmPackage 3 including:- 5.5 kW (7.5 HP), 2 speeds- DIGIT X rip fence, 1000 mm- Large suction hood (PSV)- Basic scorer with LED lighting

1,107 km
ALTENDORF WA 6 sliding table saw - Exhibition machine -
Condition: new, ALTENDORF WA 6 sliding table saw
- Exhibition machine -
manual height adjustment,
double roller carriage,
scoring unit,
outrigger table,
angle mitre fence,
automatic brake,
can be lowered below table height
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 45 °,
Cutting length: 2,500 mm,
Cutting width at rip fence: 1,000 mm,
max. cutting height: 100 mm,
max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm,
Swivel range mitre fence: up to 49 °,
speeds: 4,200 rpm
Motor power main motor: 5.5 hp / 4.0 kW,
Scoring motor power: 0.5 hp / 0.37 kW,
Work table height: 910 mm,
Extraction nozzle Ø: 1 x 100 / 50 mm each,
Weight: 450 kg
- new exhibition machine -

1,087 km
Sizing saw with large suction hood
AltendorfWA 6
Year of construction: 2022, Condition: new, Altendorf WA 6
manual height adjustment,
double roller carriage length 2000 mm
scoring unit,
cantilever table,
angular miter fence,
automatic brake,
lowerable below table height
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 45 °,
cutting width at rip fence: 1.000 mm,
max. cutting height: 87 mm,
max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm,
Swivel range miter fence: up to 49 °,
Speeds: 4,200 rpm,
Engine power main motor: 5.5 hp / 4 kW,
motor power scoring motor: 0,5 hp / 0,37 kW,
Working table height: 910 mm,
suction nozzle Ø: 1 x 100 / 50 mm each,
weight: 450 kg
Large suction hood
Location: Ex stock 54634 Bitburg
- immediately available -
Location: Ex stock 54634 Bitburg
- free on truck -
- immediately available -

1,065 km
Pneumatic pressure beam
AltendorfPneumatischer Druckbalken
Condition: excellent (used), Year of construction: 2003, Pressure beam for clamping workpieces up to approx. 80 mm thick.
Particularly interesting for miter cuts and veneer trimming.
For a secure hold of the workpiece on the sliding carriage.
For 300cm long sliding table or longer.
Maximum clamping length approx. 290cm
The pressure beam can be mounted on the newer machines with steel guides, but also on machines with Pertinax guides.
The pressure beam is divided into two parts and can be controlled separately.
The saw in the photos is of course not for sale.
The machine can be demonstrated at our premises by appointment. We only offer machines that are ready for demonstration in our warehouse, see "other offers from this vendor".

1,337 km
Panel sizing circular saws
AltendorfF45 Pro Drive
Condition: new, F 45 ProDrive:The new F 45 is a masterpiece of technology and design. The machine stand, which has been redesigned from the ground up, exceeds all previous values in terms of torsional rigidity and low eye-level control, with which you can call up the height and tiltof the saw blade plus, depending on the control package selected, the speed andother functions.3.5" color screen with separate keyboardAutom. Automatic dimensional correction at the parallel and angle stop when swivelling the saw unitSimple calibration of the axesMachine diagnostics, operating hours counter, USB interfaceCalling up the last dimension entry (back function)99 storable cutting programsGrooving: with automatic step-by-step positioning of therip fence400V / 50Hz - Europe , scale: scale in mmM44249machine height 910 mmM64099eye-level operationbasic equipmentThe control panel of the F 45 is mounted at eye level. This means that all axes can be conveniently controlled and all settings are in -hand operation of the swing-away deviceM64096max. blade diameter 450 mmBasic equipmentThe F 45 is equipped with a parallelogram guardwith two hoods for 90° and angle cuts.{They are infinitely adjustable in large pressure roller in the infeed automatically adjusts theguard to the workpiece maximum saw blade diameter is 450 mm. This achieves a saw blade projection of max. 154 mm.M511005.5 kW (7.5 hp)optionalone-sided swivel saw unit with 5.5 kW (7.5 hp) motor,manuallyadjustable to 3/4/5000 rpm. Swivel range: 0 - 46°AKE quick-change system for the main saw bladeThe motors have 20% more torque than standard electric motors with the samepower consumption.M24038Preparation for 2-axis scoring unitOptionScoring unit preparationfor retrofitting a scoring unitM41010Table top extension 840 mmBasic equipmentTable top extension 840 mmconsisting of a CDF panel with HPL coating on both sides. Itis particularly scratch and impact resistant.M34204Double castor trolley with trolley length 3200 mmOptionDouble castor trolley, trolley length 3200 mmThe Altendorf double castor trolley can be locked in any position. Thedouble castors, made of hardened steel, holdthe upper carriage in conjunction with the lower carriage absolutely precisely in thehard chrome-plated guide rods. The carriage construction is designed as an extremely torsion-resistant and dimensionally stable multi-hollow chamber system. The table surface is anodized.A hard chrome-plated round bar serves as a mount for the cross slide and as an interface for various accessories.M44404Angle mitre fenceOptionAngle mitre fence, cutting to length up to 3500 mmThis Altendorf-patented fence with integratedlength compensation facilitates the precise cutting of 90° angles andmitres in one function. In the front and rearstop position, the swivel angle is infinitely adjustable by 49° andis indicated by a measuring scale. Simply move the fence ruler to theselected angle dimension according to the scale and then set the desired lengthon the fence cut-to-length dimensions from approx. 1700 mm, theroller-supported and stable telescopic extension takes over the outer fence entire cross slide is supported by a precision-manufactured,prismatic support of the round bar of thedouble roller carriageIncluding: two single tilt stopsM44441CNC parallel fence 1000 mmOptionCNC parallel fence, cutting width 1000 mmThe CNC-controlled parallel fence can be controlled at a traversing speedo...

1,107 km
ALTENDORF F 25 Type 6 sliding table saw
Condition: new, The ALTENDORF F 25 offers everything in a small space,
what a sliding table saw must be able to do. Whether in the
first own workshop, for daily use, in industrial production
industrial production or as a powerful
second machine.
- The F 25 is the space-saving all-rounder that simply makes you
simply makes you more productive. Materials such as wood
panel materials, solid wood, wood-like materials or extruded
or extruded profiles can be cut with the best precision,
easy handling and outstanding cutting quality
can be easily processed. The one-sided swivel
saw blade also enables angled cuts. The
smooth-running double roller carriage based on the Altendorf
as well as the digital display of the height and
tilt are standard features. A machine
for beginners and professionals alike.
Double roller carriage,
man. Height and swivel adjustment,
Rip fence with man. Fine adjustment,
angle mitre fence,
Preparation for retrofitting,
of a scoring unit
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 46 °,
carriage length: 3,200 mm,
Cutting width: 1,000 mm,
Cutting height: 100 mm,
max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm,
max. saw blade projection: 104 mm,
Non CE version: max. saw blade Ø: 350 mm,
max. saw blade projection: 121.5 mm,
Crosscut fence extendable up to: 3,450 mm,
speeds: 4,200 rpm,
Motor power: 4.4 kW, 5.5 HP,
work table height: 880 mm
- large extraction hood is optional -
- new exhibition machine -
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1,087 km
Circular sawing machines
AltendorfF 25 - Version 5 - sofort verfügbar
Condition: new, Year of construction: 2023, The ALTENDORF F 25 offers everything that a sliding table saw
a sliding table saw must be able to do. Whether in your first own
workshop, for daily use, in industrial production or as a
or as a powerful second machine.
The F 25 is the space-saving all-rounder that simply makes you
makes you more productive. Materials such as wood panel materials,
solid wood, wood-like materials or extruded profiles
can be easily processed thanks to optimum precision
outstanding cutting quality.
The one-sided swivel saw blade also enables
angle cuts. The smooth-running double roller carriage, based on the
Altendorf system, as well as the digital display of height and
height and tilt are standard features.
A machine for beginners and professionals alike.
Double roller carriage, 3200 mm
man. Height and swivel adjustment,
parallel stop with man. Fine adjustment,
angle mitre fence,
large extraction hood, PSV
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 46 °,
carriage length: 3,200 mm,
Rip fence: 1,000 mm with Digit X
Cutting height: 100 mm,
max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm,
max. saw blade projection: 104 mm,
Crosscut fence extendable up to: 3,450 mm,
speeds: 3,600 / 4,200 rpm,
Motor power: 5.5 kW, 7.5 HP,
work table height: 880 mm
Type: F 25 Version 5
5.5 KW (7.5 HP) 2 speeds
Rip fence Digit X, 1000 mm
Large extraction hood PSV
Without scoring unit, prepared for retrofitting a scoring unit
installation of a scoring unit
Special price ex stock 54634 Bitburg
- available immediately -

1,337 km
Panel sizing circular saws
AltendorfF25 2020 CE Typ 2
Condition: new, The Altendorf F 25 offers everything a panel saw needs to be able to do in a small space. And all in uncompromising Altendorf quality. A machine for beginners and professionals alike. Basic equipment: - Manual height and swivel adjustment 0 - 46° of the saw blade, with digital display - Drive power 4 kW (5.5 HP) with one speed, 4200 rpm. - Double trolley, trolley length 3200 mm
- Angle miter stop, cutting to length up to 3450 mm
- Braking device, illuminated button
- Saw blade diameter max. 315 mm,
- Saw blade projection max. 104 mm
- Cutting height 100 mm, 70 mm at 45°
- Machine height 88 cm
Package 2 includes:
- 5.5 kW (7.5 HP), 2 speeds
- Parallel stop, 1410 mm*
- Large extraction hood (PSV)
- Basic scoring saw with LED lighting

1,107 km
ALTENDORF F 25 sliding table saw, type 1 -exhibition machine-
Condition: new, ALTENDORF F 25 sliding table saw, type 1
-Exhibition machine-
Double roller carriage
man. Height and swivel adjustment
Rip fence with man. fine adjustment
Angular mitre fence
Large extraction hood
Basic scoring unit with LED lighting
----- Technical data -----
Swivel range: 0 - 46 °
Carriage length: 3,200 mm
Rip fence: 1,000 mm
Cutting height: 100 mm
Max. saw blade Ø: 315 mm
Crosscut fence extendable up to: 3,450 mm
Speeds: 3,600 / 4,200 rpm
Motor power: 5.5 kW (7.5 hp)
Work table height: 880 mm
Suction nozzle Ø: 120 + 80 mm
- new exhibition machine -

1,107 km
ALTENDORF F 45 EvoDrive sliding table saw with 7" touchscreen - Exhibition machine -
Condition: new, ALTENDORF F 45 EvoDrive sliding table saw
with 7" touchscreen - Exhibition machine -
Including: - ALTENDORF F 45 EvoDrive sliding table saw
with 7" touch screen
Includes: - DIGIT L angle mitre fence, ALTENDORF
Cutting to length up to 3,200 mm
Includes: - CNC parallel fence, 1,300 mm, ALTENDORF
Traversing speed 250 mm/sec.
with dimensional correction for tilted fence profile
and with tilted saw blade
Including: - ALTENDORF template holder
Included: - Extended cutting height, 1-sided tilting ALTENDORF
Saw blade projection max. 204 mm
In combination with a scoring unit
the max. saw blade Ø is 500 mm,
or 179 mm cutting height.
Includes: - 5.5 kW (7.5 HP) motor with VARIO ALTENDORF
2,000 - 6,000 rpm
Includes: - Scoring unit 2-axle, 1-sided, ALTENDORF
with motorized height and side adjustment
Programmable scoring blade height with
quick lowering and quick raising,
Drive motor 0.75 kW (1 hp), 8,200 rpm.
Including: - LED lighting on ALTENDORF scoring unit
Including: - Double roller carriage 3,200 mm, ALTENDORF
Including: - Front support roller ALTENDORF
Width 300 mm
- new exhibition machine -
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