Used Box Maker for sale (23,037)

2x Boxmaker MAC 1200
MecanelecBoxmaker MAC 1200

Short run for heavy duty cardboard
EMproject89BOXmaker ULTRA HD

Slotter & Casemaker
GöpfertBoxmaker SRE maxi 250

+44 20 806 810 84

Crushing equipment
Tertiary impact crusher ( Sand maker )Tertiary impact crusher ( Sand maker )

INSULTATED HOT BOX 50 X 70CM C/W STAND Isolierte Hotbox, 50 x 70 cm, mit Stand
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Cardboard packaging machine
Endoline 2020 Case Carton Box Erector221

Stacking box / 600x400x410 mm / black
Bekuplast Clever Fresh BoxKlappbox Faltbox

Edge grinder Holzprofi Maker KS2260, oscillating
Holzprofi MakerM1-KS2260

Mesh box
Hoaf Climate Box

Crushing equipment
Tertiary impact crusher ( Sand maker )Tertiary impact crusher ( Sand maker )

BCS Autobox 2600 + Multicut 3

Cardboard packaging machine
Endoline Carton / Box / Case Erector221

Injection mold for agricultural crates
Mold makerCaisse agricole

Planing machine ADM310G Spiral Shaft Maker 310mm, 400V
Holzprofi MakerM1-ADM310G-Spiral

Industry container box 650 liters
Industrie Behälter Box 650 LiterL 120 x B 100 x H 78 cm

Ice cube maker
Scotsman Ice cube maker MC46 Split.

Crushing equipment
Henan Mingyuan Sand makerVertical Shaft Impact Crusher for sand

Dust collectors
Holzprofi MakerM1-RL150AC

Dust collectors
Holzprofi MakerM1-RL200R

Circular sawing machines
Holzprofi MakerM2-PS315F-2600

Scroll saw
Holzprofi MakerM9-SC560

Jointer & thickness planer combined
Holzprofi MakerM1-ADM410Spiral

Scissor lift table
Holzprofi MakerM1-HUB-350MDF

Machining center
Holzprofi MakerM3-CNC6090

Box body
DAFLF 210 FA / 12 Ton / 147 dkm / 2022 / Box / Laa...
Used Box Maker (23,037)
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+44 20 806 810 84