Polska Grupa CNC

Polska Grupa CNC from Zaleszany:
Polska Grupa CNC została założona jako przedsiębiorstwo rodzinne. Założyciele pracują w firmie każdego dnia, reprezentując ciągłość, trwałość i zrównoważony charakter firmy. Zaangażowanie inżynierów i konstruktorów, chęć rozwoju, obecność na imprezach branżowych w połączeniu z zaufaniem, jakim obdarza nas coraz większa ilość klientów, sprawia, że Polska Grupa CNC stała się w krótkim czasie znaczącym dostawcą maszyn w Polsce i Europie..
W aspekcie finansowym firma jest zorientowana na długoterminowy wzrost. Nasz rozwój jest finansowany z naszych zasobów, dzięki czemu jesteśmy niezależni od zewnętrznego finansowania przez banki, rynki papierów wartościowych czy inwestorów nastawionych wyłącznie na zysk. Wszystko to tworzy bezpieczne i godne zaufania środowisko dla klientów oraz pracowników i zapewnia połączenie naszego rozwoju z ciągłością i innowacyjnością.
Decydując się na współpracę z nami, wspomagacie Państwo rozwój nowych technologii oraz przyczyniacie się do rozwoju polskiego przemysłu.
Mr Krzysztof Łapiński
Kościuszki 39
37-415 Zaleszany
Woiwodschaft Karpatenvorland
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THE MACHINE HAS A TOOL STORAGE EQUIPPED WITH 6 ISO30 CONES !!! CNC 2030 ATC CNC Router is a precise machine constructed in Poland, it is used to process many engineering materials,......
2030 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
Pros: • comprehensive processing (cutting, drilling, milling, engraving) • stable structure guaranteeing maximum precision and reliability • table with a vacuum system • free acces......
The ATC series was created for professional use in large industrial plants and factories. Like the plotters of the SPECIAL series, it can be designed for machining various material......
1325 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
1012 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
1525 ATC milling ploter THE MACHINE HAS A TOOL STORAGE EQUIPPED WITH 6 ISO30 CONES !!! CNC 1525 ATC milling plotter is a precise machine constructed in Poland, it is used to proce......
1020 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
1520 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
2040 SPECIAL milling ploter is a precise machine constructed in Poland. It can be used to process many different materials such as wood, wood-based materials (chipboard, MDF, OSB, ......
This is a state-of-the-art CNC machine dedicated to the industrial sector, used for cutting sheets and profiles, using a plasma torch. The machine is characterised, among other thi......
FIBER CUT laser cutting machines are a revolutionary solution in the laser cutting market. Innovative fibre laser technology allows much faster, more efficient and cheaper cutting ......
The ATC series of plotters has been developed for professional use in large industrial plants and factories for the production of complex large-size components. Thanks to its speci......
Router CNC2030 ATC 4 axes, tilting spindle +/- 90 degrees working area 2100 x 3000 [mm] The ATC series of plotters was created for professional use in large industrial plants and f......
The CNC 2030 SPECIAL milling plotter is a high-precision machine built in Poland, used for machining many engineering materials, i.e.: wood, wood-based (chipboard, MDF, OSB, etc.),......
FIBER CUT laser cutting machines are a revolutionary solution in the laser cutting market. Innovative fibre laser technology allows much faster, more efficient and cheaper cutting ......
Pros: • comprehensive processing (cutting, drilling, milling, engraving) • stable structure guaranteeing maximum precision and reliability • table with a vacuum system • free acces......
This is a state-of-the-art CNC machine dedicated to the industrial sector, used for cutting sheets and profiles, using a plasma torch. The machine is characterised, among other thi......
The CO2 laser plotter is designed for cutting and engraving a wide range of materials, such as Plexiglas, leather, rubber, wood, plywood, paper, cork, textiles and a variety of eng......